Can HEPA Filters Make Allergies Worse?

Using a HEPA filter in your home can remove most airborne particles that could worsen allergies. Never buy air purifiers that generate ozone, as the EPA and doctors have warned that it is a respiratory irritant and can actually worsen allergy or asthma symptoms. Ionizing air purifiers, however, can exacerbate allergies. Studies have shown that air purifiers can help people with common allergies by trapping pollen and other irritants inside their filters, but there is still little consensus on the subject.

Using an air purifier can eliminate many allergic triggers, and while there is no official recommendation for the use of air purifiers for allergies, many medical experts and research studies point to their effectiveness. HEPA filters are also available in room air cleaning devices. People who use HEPA air filters report feeling better and having fewer symptoms. Studies show some reduction in the amount of allergens in cats and dogs with the use of HEPA filters.

However, to date, most clinical studies have not conclusively demonstrated that HEPA air filters reduce drug use. If you find that your air isn't as clean as you'd like, or if you've noticed an increase in allergic reactions, you might be considering buying a new air purifier. An activated carbon HEPA filter is a four-level cleaning system that traps microscopic particles such as pollen, dust, and pet dander which often trigger an allergic reaction. Anyone can benefit from an air purifier, but those who suffer from frequent allergies may want to look for one specifically designed to filter out particles that cause allergic reactions.

Some filters are reusable and washable, but require meticulous maintenance, so they are not usually found in the most effective air purifiers. It's important to remember that only particles that pass through the air filter will be captured. Carbon-based filters are good at filtering out some particles and odors, but they are not as effective at removing dust, dander, pollen and mold. For example, activated carbon filters will be better at removing odors, but not as good at removing pollen from the air.

If you have allergies, it's worth taking the time and a small additional cost to upgrade your HVAC filter to a HEPA filter. This means that in addition to the purchase price of an air purifier, you should also consider operating costs and filter replacement costs. As air moves through the filter, contaminants and particles are captured, and clean air is expelled into the living space. It also has a filter tracker that can tell you how many hours of runtime your filter has before it needs to be replaced.

For example, HEPA filters, UV air filters and ion filters are very good at removing dust, dander, pollen and mold, but they are not good at eliminating odors. However, if the air purifier has a limited ability to filter allergens, then the problem has only worsened. My allergist recommended a good brand of mattress covers and pillows for my bed, as well as installing air filters in the attic (where it's dusty) and downstairs. In conclusion, using a HEPA filter in your home can help reduce airborne particles that could worsen allergies. While there is no official recommendation for the use of air purifiers for allergies yet, many medical experts and research studies point to their effectiveness. Carbon-based filters are good at filtering out some particles and odors but not as effective at removing dust, dander, pollen and mold from the air.

If you have allergies it's worth taking the time to upgrade your HVAC filter to a HEPA filter.

Jo Burgey
Jo Burgey

Lifelong beer expert. Passionate music fan. Evil internet nerd. Passionate zombie nerd. Infuriatingly humble social media ninja.